• WSGT 2018 Venue

  • Smart grid technologies

  • Renewables

  • Electro mobility

  • Electro transportation

  • New paradigms for electrification of transportation

WSGT 2018

The Workshop on Future Smart Grid Technologies (WSGT 18) will be held at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, on 26-27 February 2018.

The workshop is an international premier event. It will cover relevant topics in the domain of future energy grids, solutions and technologies.  Emphasis will be given to:

  • Integration of renewables
  • Communication-control-monitoring technologies
  • Electromobility and its impact to the grid
  • New paradigms for a fully connected and electrified world
  • Energy market in new transactive energy paradigms

The workshop originates from the EU Erasmus+ KA2 project “Smart Grid Technology” where a new master program is developed. Therefore, the workshop will also address the topic education and view/understanding of young generations about energy.

Download the event WSGT2018 flyer and program skeleton.



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